Hello everyone! I'm back to educate you about your own skin! I know you want that bump-less, pimple-less, flawless baby skin so read up to find out how!

Before I jump into it, let me update you a little about where I've been!
August had been a very, how should I put it, vibrant? Colorful? a very, extremely eventful and busy month! I know I've mentioned I'm always busy (because it's true) but this month is EXTRA busy. wow like not kidding ok I sleep 3am every night lolol.

If you did not know yet, I am selected as one of the top 12 beauty content  creators for Etude House Malaysia, aka #SweetGenerationMY !! Since the competition started, I've been working like a doggo everyday, juggling between my day to night work and content creating. I've been focusing a lot on video contents for my YouTube this month and oh boi, it takes way more time and effort filming and editing a video compared to blogging or just instagramming.

Feel free to check out my

Okay, let's jump right back to the REAL TOPIC of the day, shall we?


Throughout the whole journey with Etude House, one of the best things I could ever received is the knowledge about K-Beauty. It turned my life (skin life) 180 degrees and I never never never ever ever ever leaving this routine ever ever ever again!!! (Yes, that exaggeration is not a lie!)


This skin care routine helped me:
Overcome the random bumps on my skin
Lighten up my scars and blemishes
Reduce large pores
Avoid production of acne/pimple
Increase elasticity and maintain skin moisture
Improve overall skin condition

Yes, it did all that! 100% true and I cross my heart I am not lying.


In  The Study of Korean Beauty, basic K-Beauty consist of 10 steps which includes

1. Remover
2. Foam Cleanser
3. Exfoliater
4. Toner (includes another 7 steps here!!)
5. Essence
6. Serum
7. Mask
8. Eye care
9. Moisturizer
10. Sunscreen/ Sleeping mask

This 10 step skin care varies from day to day and it juggles between 7-10 steps. Find out why when I explain further below!

On a side note: K-beauty is all about gentleness and hydration!

1. Remover

L: Etude House Monster Oil in Cleansing Water  R:Etude House Monster Micellar Cleansing Water
L: Etude House Monster Oil in Cleansing Water  R: Etude House Monster Micellar Cleansing Water

Removing your makeup after a whole long day is obviously important but are you doing it correctly?
If you're using waterproof makeup on a daily basis, the smart way to remove it is with a trustable oil base remover. One that is strong enough to remove even the most waterproof mascara ever is this Etude House Monster Oil in Cleansing Water, I am currently using it and it works amazing! My lashes did not fall off yoooo!

After that I'll double remove to get rid of any leftover residue with the Etude House Monster Micellar Cleansing Water! It's always good to double remove because you wouldn't want any makeup or foundation clogging your pores!

One of the best thing about this two products is that it is so gentle and NOT OILY.

To use: I pour a generous amount on a cotton pad and swipe through my face.

2. Foam Cleanser

L: Etude House Wonder Pore Freshner/Toner  R: Etude House Wonder Pore Deep Foaming Cleanser
L: Etude House Wonder Pore Freshner/Toner  R: Etude House Wonder Pore Deep Foaming Cleanser

K-Beauty is all about double cleansing.

Cleansing your face after removing your makeup is a sensible thing to do! But why a foam cleanser instead of other kind of cleanser? Foam cleansers are ideal for removing oil, layers of makeup and even hard-to-wash-off sunscreen. It is definitely perfect for girls who wears makeup daily like me.

Today I'll be sharing with you this Deep Foaming Cleanser from Etude House. I use this twice a week to thoroughly clean my pores alongside with the toner from the same series (I'll talk about that later)! The reason why I don't use this product daily is because it will be too drying and harsh on the skin, hence I alternate it with a moisturizing foam cleanser.

To use: Wet your hands and face, squeeze a pea size amount on your palms and gently massage it all over your face, down your jawline and your neck! Focus each areas for about 30 seconds to make sure it is thoroughly cleansed and then rinse off.

3. Exfoliater

Etude House White Cloud mask
Etude House White Cloud mask

One of the problems that we all girls face are these mystery stubborn bumps. They are not pimple, not acne and not whiteheads, they are called Milia! Milia are formed when dead skin cells are not exfoliated and they get trapped beneath your skin’s surface, then end up forming tiny cysts.

A few reasons why Milia forms on your skin:
1. Under-exfoliating, you're not exfoliating!!
2. Heavy moisturizers, cleansers, and creams – If you're using a thick layer of cream base moisturizer for you oily combination skin, that's a no no!
3. Sun damage – When you don't wear SPF, UV radiation will creates damage on your skin surface, hence your skin will naturally becomes more thicker to protect itself. This makes it harder to remove dead skin!
4. Not thoroughly cleansing – If you’re not properly removing all your makeup each day, it can build up and trap skin cells over time.

 One of my TOP FAVORITE exfoliating products I ever came across is this White Cloud Mask from Etude House. This mask contains AHA & BHA that gently peels off dead skin while retaining the skin moisture. Believe me or not, my skin does not feel dry after usage even though AHA/BHA are said to be drying to the skin. I use this twice a week and the next morning after exfoliating, my face is completely flawless, bright, smooth and totally bumpless!  It is so quick, gentle and easy to use!

To use:

Apply and massage gently around your face area. The product is gel like and transparent with micro beads (scrub) aka the AHA & BHA properties.

Recommended time to leave on is between 1-5 minutes. By the 3-5 minute, you may experience a tingling sensation ( a good one, shouldn't be a painful tingle) and the bubbles will foam into a cloud!

Wash off with lukewarm water!

4. Toner

Is probably one of the best invention made so far in skin care (that is if you're using the right one)

L: Etude House Pink Vital Water Facial Toner  R: Etude House Soon Jung PH5.5 Relief Toner
L: Etude House Pink Vital Water Facial Toner  R: Etude House Soon Jung PH5.5 Relief Toner

Toners is one step I will never ever miss because a gentle toner helps to restore and rejuvenate my skin, balance back the PH level and mildly minimize the size of my pores after all that cleansing and exfoliating. To maximize the full effect of the toner, it works best with 5-7 applications. This 7 steps toner hydrates and plumps each layer of skin with it's needed hydration!

 I'm not joking now, try it and at the 5th round you'll feel your skin so bouncy and so smooth like a baby!

I use various kind of toners that target specific conditions of my skin as it varies day to day.

On a normal day when my skin is feeling pretty normal

 I'll use the Pink Vital Water Facial Toner that is infused with peach water. With the first application, It gives my skin instant moisture and full revitalizing. Of course, you'll need to apply it more times so that there are sufficient product to fully penetrate into your skin!  4-5 times of application is good enough for my skin as the ingredients are really concentrated.

To use: I pour about a 50cent size of product onto the palms of my hands and gently pat in onto my face and neck. Once it's fully absorbed (about 30 seconds) I repeat it for the next few times.

When my skin is sensitive (redness, dry, bumpy or got pimple)

I'll use the Soon Jung PH5.5 Relief Toner. Their Soon Jung range is extremely gentle on the skin and perfect for anyone who has sensitive skin. I don't consider my skin very sensitive but on days when my skin is not looking the best, this toner did it's magic.

On first application, it will feel as though you're putting water on your face. Since this toner is very mild, you will only feel the effect after applying 5-7 times! Trust me, this toner is one of the best products you'll ever need in your skin care routine.

To use: I pour about a 50cent size of product onto the palms of my hands and gently pat in onto my face and neck. Once it's fully absorbed (about 30 seconds) I repeat it for the next few times.

On days when my skin feels bumpy (Milea),

I'll swab the Wonder Pore Freshner Toner once around my face and down to my neck with a cotton pad before moving on with my 2-7 times of application with the Soon Jung Toner.
Note: You do not want to apply this 7 times because it can dry out your skin!

What this product does is that it targets and clears the dirt inside out, leaving the skin fresh while firming up the skin. I also swab this product on my nose areas during my blackhead removal routines. It helps to clean and minimize the size of pores after removal!

Etude House AC Clean Up Toner
Etude House AC Clean Up Toner

When I have a pimple..

I'll use this AC Clean Up Toner and apply it just once on areas with pimples. This product here is not like any other pimple products I ever had. It has not astringent, no alcohol but it's very gentle and mild on the skin! I love it!

I received this product as a sample but it has been working wonders on my pimples ever since! The morning after, my pimples are minimized or many times, distinguished!

Their full range of AC Clean Up are meant to focus on problematic pimple areas. I'm excited to try this range in the near future!!

5. Serum/ Essence

Each of us have our own skin concerns. For me, it's pigmentation and blemishes from my previous acne scars.

Etude House Toning White C Active Essence
Etude House Toning White C Active Essence

Serums and essence are made to target your specific concerns. I'm sure many of you suffer from acne scars and blemishes and one way to heal them is to use a serum/essence. I'm using the Toning White C Active Essence that focuses on whitening while maintaining it's hydration. Of course, you need to incorporate this step with the other 1-10 steps for it to truly work. My blemishes have gotten lighter since I started this 10 step skin care routine!!

7. Mask

Etude House Snail Mask
Etude House Snail Mask

Face mask is one of the best steps to incorporate onto your skin care routine! It's like serum/essence but triple the concentration and effect! I use this 5 times a week and it really gave my skin life!

My usual go to face mask is the Smoothening and Firming Snail Mask which strengthens the elasticity of  my skin, making my skin smoother and radiant. Masks are pack full with goodness for your skin to absorb which helps in healing and revitalizing.

If you have other skin concerns like acne, feel free to use masks targeted for those specific concerns however I only recommend using such masks once or twice a week as acne targeted mask can be quite drying! You can alternate it with a moisturizing one!

8. Eye Care

A lot of you girls might skip this step but think twice!! Will you want to find chicken claws around your eyes in 10-15 years time?! No? Then you better start caring for your fine lines and wrinkles around your eyes!

If you are using a cream base eye care product, use only a very thin layer, and massage it along the sockets of your eyes, especially your under eyes since that's the area with the least blood circulation! The key here is to stimulate blood flow.

Remember to never use too much cream product as it may cause Milia around the eyes!

9. Moisturizer

L: EH Soon Jung PH5.5 Relief Toner  M: EH Soon Jung 10-Free Moist Emulsion R: EH Soon Jung Balm-Panthensoside 5
L: EH Soon Jung PH5.5 Relief Toner  M: EH Soon Jung 10-Free Moist Emulsion R: EH Soon Jung Balm-Panthensoside 5

Moisturizer is the most essential and simplest routine but did you know you might be using the wrong kind of moisturizer for your skin type?!

We have 3 types of skin type

We also have moisturizers that targets these specific skin types which are
-Cream, with heavy oil content and perfect for dry skin
-Emulsion, mild oil content and perfect for combination skin
-Lotion, least oil content and perfect for oily skin

Most of us Asians living in a country like Malaysia have Combination Skin! just like me

I used to apply a cream base moisturizer only to realize that it has been clogging up my pores, blackheads and bumpy skin! If you have bumpy skin, you might want to check if you're using the correct type of moisturizer for you skin type.

Since then, I've switch to an Emulsion which contains less oil content and my skin have been the best it has ever been. Back then my skin used to be so oily, but these days it's just perfect with a hint of glow!

My current favorite Emulsion is the one from the Soon Jung range. Base on my opinion, I believe skin care should always be mild, gentle and free from fragrance. The Soon Jung range is perfectly crafted and design for this! I love it!

10. Sunscreen/ Sleeping Mask

Sunscreen, should be applied during the day before makeup or even before you walk out of the house!
It is so vital to protect your skin from the UV rays as these rays can cause pigmentation and even bumpy skin.

You might think that you can skip sunscreen and just apply your foundation with SPF however that's not the case. Foundation may melt off anytime of the day where else applying sunscreen locks into the surface of your skin!

Isn't double the protection, double the defense!?

Sleeping mask is invented to intensely hydrate your skin as you snooze your night away! It is especially perfect for those who sleeps under the air conditioner as AC dehydrates the skin. However, it is not recommended to use this daily as it could tend to over stimulate your skin and you may end up with skin problems!

Use this 2-3 times a week and your skin will feel so boosted the next morning!


Remember that the key to the perfect glass skin starts from deep within!
Hydration is the keyword for your skin care!


  1. It is an amazing post.I have found really useful.Keep up the good work.haute her everyday skin care tips


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